Sunday, June 05, 2016

Sunday Morning Diet Sermon

I had a late night out here at the TT Summit on Friday with dozens of our Certified TT Trainers. It was a crazy day full of bootcamp workouts, inspirational speeches, and delicious food (including free BioTrust goodies!).

A bunch of us went out for dinner to a big steakhouse, but knowing I had to "perform" in the morning at the event, I didn't eat too, too much. In fact, I stuck to my “secret diet weapon” that prevents me from gaining fat while eating out.

It’s actually easy to eat right at restaurants, BUT there’s nothing worse than thinking you are eating healthy only to find out that your “healthy choices” are leaving you bloated and stuck with belly fat. Healthy eating can be so confusing. For example, there are even certain fruits vegetables you need to avoid.

Here’s one example. Last year, the British Journal of Medicine reported that drinking juice increases your risk of diabetes, and yet so many politically correct nutritionists recommend juice as part of a “balanced” breakfast. That’s BAD advice. And you wonder why you gain weight from healthy eating, right?

Go here to discover the fruits and veggies you need to avoid

Men’s Health recently shared 3 solutions to NEVER gain weight when eating out:

#1 – Eat more protein early in the day to fight hunger & overeating at other meals

#2 – Be boring at home and eat according to your normal routine so you can enjoy eating out

#3 – Check restaurant menus in advance so you find fat loss options

And now here’s my diet secret weapon that allows you to really enjoy your nights out without gaining weight:

#4Pick your poison when eating out … that means you get to choose from one of these 3 “poisons”…You either get to have two drinks, a serving of dessert, or 2-3 slices of bread…but you can’t have all three. Pick your poison and savor it.

I tend to enjoy a drink with dinner (after all, I’m a Scottish-German Canadian!), so on Friday night I had a drink with my chipotle-spiced chicken and chorizo dinner at the Kachina Southwestern Grill restaurant.

It’s easy for me to avoid bread and desserts, but if you struggle with those temptations, just pick-your-poison and enjoy it at dinner – guilt-free.

Follow that plan and you’ll be a Super Fat-Burner. Add in the all-day fat burning you get from my great short, burst workouts (watch for an awesome 4-minute fat burner tomorrow) and you'll even LOSE weight on the weekends while eating out.

Avoid these unhealthy fruits and veggies if you want to lose weight

Eat right, burn fat, and have fun with the TT “no-sacrifice” Lifestyle.

Taking care of you, Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

PS – CB’s Sunday Morning Sermon…

Start your day working on your #1 priority. Do the First-Things-First every morning, even today, because avoiding your problems will not make the situation better. Take action and attack problems head-on instead.

And remember…Time wasted at work and in long cardio workouts robs you of time with your family and friends. Quit stealing from them. Make the right decisions on how you use your time. Identify what REALLY matters in your life and make time for it.

1 comment:

  1. Losing weight is 80% diet and 20% exercise, there's no point in doing hours and hours of cardio and weight training if you're still eating junk food, because you will not lose any weight, sure you may get fitter but you won't lose any fat.

    Also, if you can't fit 30 minutes of cardio in a day, 7 minutes will do the trick tremendously, well that's only if you're doing 7 minutes of HIIT (High Intensity).

    Do at least a 20 second sprint then a 20 second run, alternate for 7 minutes, everyday, you will feel great and revitalized after.

    Be careful in which guides you follow, there are TONS of fad diets and lies. Here's a great weight loss program I used to lose weight and permanently keep it off:
