Sunday, June 26, 2016

Good Fats vs Bad Fats with referee Chef Gui

Do you remember back to the low-fat days of the 1990’s?

When everything with even a gram of fat was off-limits…

…and when every big food corporation started packing their products with sugar…

It made it so hard for you to lose weight… and you were never full.

That’s because GOOD fats actually help you lose weight and feel satisfied.

While bad fats and sugar leave you addicted and craving more and more.

Today, our friend Chef Gui Alinat has put together a special free video and report.

You’ll see exactly which fats to eat, and what bad fats to avoid.

Discover the truth about margarine, olive oil, and more here.

***Chef signoff
Good fats vs. Bad fats (Avoid!)
By Chef Gui Alinat

I've been a chef for 16 years, and good fat vs. bad fats is still among the most misunderstood and confusing concepts among my clients, students, and readers.

Can I cook with olive oil?

Is coconut oil good for me?

Which olive oil should I choose?

What about butter?

What should I have in my kitchen, and more importantly, what shouldn’t I have?

I get asked these types of questions about good fats and bad fats almost every single day.

It’s difficult. So many “diet gurus” talk about all kinds of irrelevant, untrue, and sometimes dangerous information.

For instance, did you know that margarine is actually toxic? “I can’t believe it’s not butter?”…I can! (Avoid!)

Did you know that “pure” or “light” olive oil is the lowest grade of all olive oils? In my video, I make you promise to never, ever buy these! (Avoid!)

Likewise, not many of you know that “first cold pressed” is almost irrelevant, and that “extra-virgin olive oil” is the only one you should buy. (Good!)

So I decided to set the record straight. Here is a great video I put together so that everyone knows everything there is to know about good fats and bad fats. Use my years of experience to your advantage.

Good fat bad fat screenshot

It will help you create a fat-burning kitchen, just like mine. Speaking of fat-burning kitchens… if you haven’t downloaded my Fat-Burning Kitchen Checklist, Click Here to get it now.

To Your Success,

Chef Gui

Thanks Chef!

Use his secrets to stay full, get healthy, and lose weight this week.

Your friend and coach,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

PS – But wait, there’s one more person that wants to help you!

It’s my friend Missi Holt, CTT, and she has a delicious Sunday steak recipe for you.

Try her healthy steak salad recipe for your cookout today

Steak salad

Missi is the best at combining healthy (and delicious) eating with simple weight loss exercises to get you slim fast.

Check out the amazing results from one of her coaching clients:

“I’m 63 years old and I started this program in March. It was rough for me to get into the swing of it, but I am happy to report that I have now lost 22lbs.” – Vicki R.

More details about Missi’s secrets coming soon…

PPS – Make sure to follow Missi’s gratitude calendar…

…to ease your stress and love life.

Check it out here.
Grat calendar


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