Saturday, June 25, 2016

Bill Phillips Motivated Me to Train Harder

Got home late last night into Denver, at around 10:30pm. Didn't sleep well, so I had an early start to the day at the ETR office catching up. Went to the gym around 10:30 and did this.

1A) Power Clean
1B) Mobility

2A) Deadlift
2B) Dips

Had some Paleo Protein bars from

They aren't as good as Quest bars, but not surprisingly, have fewer junk ingredients (like corn) in them.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
There are days I feel like a badly beaten punch drunk fighter in the 10th round but I have never lost the certainty that I will win the fight.

Giving in to your ego and natural tendencies toward defiance and procrastination do not serve you. Be open to constructive criticism.

Never forget...

“You are responsible for exactly who, what, and where you are in life. That will be just as true this time next year.” – Dave Kekich

Inspired from hanging around the legend, Bill Phillips. His commitment to helping others is a powerful motivator

Get motivated and inspired,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

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