Sunday, April 24, 2016

Sunday Funday in my New Playground Gym

I am really loving this new gym in Denver. There are tons of toys and only a few girls and boys, so that means plenty of room to do whatever you want, like use the battling ropes, and no waiting for squat racks.

On Sunday morning I wandered in around 9:30 and did a Sunday funday workout of:

1) KB Snatches

1b) Mobility/Foam Rolling

2) Battling Rope 20-10's

3a) Hang Cleans

3b) DB Neutral Grip Incline Presses

4a) Biceps Curls

4b) Mobility/Foam Rolling

That was fun.

Almost as fun as seeing this picture of a Mikey Whitfield-esque pancake breakfast posted by my virtual training mentor, Bobby Maximus. Check this out... it would stuff me and sedate me for days!

See this Instagram photo by @bobbymaximus • 227 likes


After training I ran some errands to stock my new apartment in Denver (hotel living was getting outrageously expensive) and then I spent a leisurely afternoon thinking and reading. It's going to be a very, very busy week at the Early To Rise office.

We have a HUGE webinar coming up on Wednesday night, and I hope you can make it.

I also have a photoshoot on Tuesday morning for my upcoming book, The Great Cardio Myth.

And on Friday I have a coaching client coming in for a 1-day Perfect Life intensive session.

Finally, on Saturday, I get to exhale.

Oh, and new bench press program starts on Wednesday, after a squat workout on Tuesday.

Monday through Sunday = another fun day.

Always good times.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:

All the planning in the world is no good if you don’t follow through. The great news is that the faster you go, the more momentum you’ll build, and the easier it becomes. So just get started. Right now. Take massive action. Get it done.

Following through is fun,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

PS - Don't miss my latest podcast with the legend...

...Mr. Ben Greenfield. It wasn't what I expected...
How To Have The Perfect Day - Here's The Official Formula For A Perfect Day: How To Take Control & Own Your Life.

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