Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Squat Photoshoot and Bench Press Plan

Things are getting crazy here. It’s crunch time.


We have a HUGE coaching session coming up at EarlyToRise.com on Wednesday night. Over 3000 people are registered to attend. That’s certainly the biggest audience I’ve ever taught at once. It’s going to be incredible.

The energy at ETR is through the roof right now, and I love it.


But before I dial in all the systems for go time, there was lots to do in the gym and for my upcoming Cardio book.


First, a 5am workout. It went like this:


1A) KB Swing

1B) Mobility


2A) Front Squat- new PB of 185x4

2B) Bodyweight Row - 4x15


3) Regular Squat 225lbs for 16 reps


4A) DB Split Squat

4B) Good Morning


And tomorrow is my first bench press workout in my transformation. I’m trying to get 2014 TT Client of the Year, J-Roc, to join me. He has a few injuries to work around, but he loves the program I sent him.


Second, we had a photoshoot for the workout section of my upcoming book, The Great Cardio Myth (pre-orders start next week!). It was easy. I made Missi Holt do all of the hard exercises.

Here are some pics of the behind the scenes photo shoot... and you'll be able to pre-order the book very soon!


Third, I had a Men’s Fitness workout program to write up for my friend, Sean Hyson. Yep, I’m slipping back into Men’s Fitness magazine. Good to work with some old friends there…


Alright, time to get back to work.


Today’s Kickbutt Mindset Tip:

All the planning in the world is no good if you don’t follow through. The great news is that the faster you go, the more momentum you’ll build, and the easier it becomes. So just get started. Right now. Don’t procrastinate a second longer. Take massive action today and Get It Done (GID baby!).


Get moving,


Craig Ballantyne, CTT


PS – Join me in the TT Transformation Contest today…


…I don’t care if you’re a “PRO” and there is no Pro Category this time.


It’s ridiculous that you’d let a contest dictate your decision to improve your life.

Stop procrastinating and rationalizing your indecision.


Let’s get to it.


Step up.

Join me here and Brother Mann here:

=> www.transformationcontest.com


It’s time for you and I to play UP a level.

Let’s go!

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