Thursday, March 31, 2016

No Training Just Casting Pods

No training today (or tomorrow). Today was just podcasts and calls and meetings and writing and packing. Tomorrow is a travel day back to the farm. I'll need fresh arms for the flight.

Hahahahahhaha. Those jokes never get old. Or good. Definitely never good.

We did have a fresh podcast go live today, though. We just put this one to bed yesterday, too. Some of the other ones aren't getting posted until months after we record it. Enjoy!

This one is with J. Massey, a great guy and real estate expert that teaches at the BlackSmith Camp with me each summer in Lithuania. 

If you want to know how to have more time with the people you love, then listen to this audio with me and J.


Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
"Challenge yourself often. Show gratitude daily. Be happy for others. And forgive easily." - Bedros Keuilian...

For April:
Pick a 28-day physical or mental challenge and use it to move you ahead towards your big goals and dreams.

Looking forward to getting back home,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

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