Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Dang Tired Leg Squats

Dang, my legs were fatigued today. Squat workout didn't allow me any personal bests in squats, so I settled for lunges.

Time for a deload week, which fits in well with travel back from Denver to the farm.

Today's session:

1a) KB Swings

1b) Foam Rolling

2a) Squats

2b) Mobility

3a) Good Morning

3b) DB Walking Lunges - 45lbs db's for 13 reps/side for a 2016 PB

After that I recorded a 90 minute Perfect Day webinar for my friends Anita and Andre Chaperone.

Talking that much wiped me out more than squats and lunges!

On the bright side, two new CB Perfect Day podcasts are up for your listening pleasure...

Primal Blueprint Radio Podcast

Trainer Scott Iardella from Florida

Craig shares his morning routine which starts with waking up at 3 A.M., making a healthy cocktail, and writing 1,000 words – but that’s not all.

If you had to choose just one, go with Scott's interview, although Elle is a force of nature!

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:

We all struggle on the way to the top...every champion, every self-made millionaire, and everyone that turns their life around. But those who succeed persist, and they never, ever give up on what is important to them. Keep going. Never quit. PERSIST! Persistence comes before success in the dictionary...and in life.

Go on now,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

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