Wednesday, March 02, 2016

my favorite woof. I mean book!

Hey, guess who? That’s right, Ol’ Bally the Dog here with a cool new resource for you.

Today you’re going to discover my absolute favorite audio book. I listen to it when I’m chasing cats, eating garbage, and even sleeping (which means I listen to it 24/7!).

It’s the new audio book version of The Perfect Day Formula, written by ol’ Craiggy Ballantyne. You can now get it on Amazon for just a few old dog bones... or just a few bucks, if you're paying with human money.2015 09 20 tt2

Sometimes ol’ Craiggy the Human Ballantyne says some smart things in his articles and books… for woofxample, I really like these quotes:

"Build others UP because it will only make you more successful. If you don't have social support, take charge as the leader. Be confident in your choices. People will respect your decisions, even if it seems at first that they don't. Eventually, a lot of people will come to you for advice and support. You are the one making the right decision. Never forget that."

"Become the person you need to become in order to achieve what you want to achieve in life. Accept the challenges. Step-up and do what is right. Never stop learning, growing & improving. And never, ever give up on what is important to you."

"Make the right decisions – right now – for your right life. Never give up on what is important to you. And make sure you know what matters! You CAN – and WILL – do it. I believe in you. I've seen too many people from all walks of life overcome incredible hardships to reach their goals. I know it is possible for all of us."

If you want more great advice like this on how to live your Perfect Life, get a copy of his new book, The Perfect Day Formula from Amazon here.

It comes as a physical book, audio book, and in a version for your Kindle.


To your Perfect Woof,

Bally the Dog
Certified Dog

PS – Here’s one of the best Amazon reviews yet…

“What a great book! A fast read that will change the way you think life should be lived! A quick summary of this book ... STRUCTURE = FREEDOM. Ballantyne admittedly lives by extreme example... so we don't have too. Just by implementing some of these techniques will drastically improve your days and overall life! Don't own a business? No problem! I am a 9-to-5'er and have been implementing Craig's methods for years to better my life and organize my days...Heck I even use his teachings and methodologies to organize my leisurely activities! So if you feel like you are ready for a personal change... don't waste another minute. READ THIS BOOK!” – Jeremy Sloane, CTT

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