Friday, March 04, 2016

Deadliftin and the 10-3-2-1 Formula

My cold isn't gone, and my breathing wasn't 100%, but I had a great workout today in Denver.

1A) Power Clean
1B) Mobility

2A) Deadlift 5x8
2B) Bench Press 3x5


Today I fly home to Toronto, spend a night there, and then head back to the farm for Bally the Dog walks and Momma B's birthday. Bedros is flying up to Toronto for work on Wednesday and we'll meet him in the big city for dinner.

Then back to Denver on the 13th. Then FBS. Then Denver. Then home. And then? No and then. And then? I don't know. April is wide open.

Cool surprise yesterday...My 10-3-2-1-0 system from The Perfect Day Formula is getting some press around the world today ... thanks to the Inc. blogger that contacted me through Twitter, and then the Telegraph and Life Hacker picked it up

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
If you had a bad week or day...Whenever you are frustrated, stop and make a list of the progress you have made today, this week, and this year. This will always remind you, during troubled times, of how far you have come. Seeing progress is one of the most motivating factors for all of us. Look back to learn, look ahead to leave your legacy!

Learn it and leave it,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

1 comment:

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