Wednesday, March 09, 2016

Home Gym Deadlift Substitute

Well, I did it again. I was too lazy to go to the gym. And it was deadlift day. But I just can't deal with the anxiety of driving to the Y and then having to fight all the college kids for space and equipment.

Whooops, I don't literally mean "fight". "Work around" is a better term.


I trained in the garage. And it was good.

1A) KB Swing - new PB of 70x36 followed with sets of 15

1B) DB Press - 80x3x5

2A) DB Bulgarian Split Squat

2B) Pushups

2C) Band Pull

Then it was off for a drive to Toronto. Bedros has flown in from California for some work meetings, and along with a few other family members and friends, we're taking my mom out for her 74th birthday. Good times all around!

Tomorrow there will be a good hotel gym workout, and then I drive back to my small hometown. On Sunday, it's back off to Denver for the rest of the month (with a short trip over to California for

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip on CLARITY for YOU!
Have clarity on your #1 priority in life. If anything gets in the way of that objective, do not participate in it. List all the things that will get in the way of your #1 goal, and then work to avoid those things. You have to stand up for what is right for you at this time. Choose your actions wisely.

Get clear on life,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

PS - Here's a new podcast...


The Ol' Bacon Wrapped Podcast

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:00 AM

    Awesome training, perhaps we can incorporate some elements to our Leadership Training Singapore programs.
