Thursday, March 10, 2016

Birthday Steak Dinner and Pushup PB

What a night!

Mom and her TT boys

Mom celebrating her birthday with her two favourite kids Craig Ballantyne and her adopted son Jeremy Sloane.

Bedros was there was Mom's 74th birthday. Great dinner at Jacob's Steakhouse with some fancy steaks.

This morning's workout...

1A) Pullups
1B) Ab Wheel

2) 100 pushups in 5:38 (new PB)

3) Rowing intervals

Tomorrow is an off day...Saturday is deadlifts.

FB QnA Question of the Day:

Q: I'm a bit bummed. Weight loss stopped for three days. It's too soon to stop!
I know... blah, blah. I may be doing too much exercise? I do physical therapy exercises every day--mostly stretching, leg lifts, squats etc. takes me 20min. Then I try to do your level 1 three/week. Then, Chiropractor told me to swim in a certain way 25min./day for a week for my 3bulging disks. I also went on a mile walk twice last week with a friend for fun. All this and not a pound lost. Meals are great. two eggs mornings, lots of water--at least 64 oz or more/day. Salads, veggies, chicken --no extras. I think I'm doing good, but wanted to check in to make sure.” – VR



Good news. It's far too early to be concerned. Good news/bad news - Women are "blessed" with greater hormone-induced weight fluctuations than men. You'll have these phases... and great news - you'll also have phases of WHOOOOOSH weight loss where it comes off 3 pounds in 2 days. Stay strong, stay consistent, and stay positively focused on the future. We're here for you, we've got your back, and YOU are doing great work (not only for weight loss but for the health of your back). Keep up the great work with your meals! You ARE doing great!

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
Learn to be comfortable in your own skin. Be true to yourself and your message. People respect people who truly believe in what they are doing. Don’t be embarrassed by what makes you unique, be proud of it instead.

Get loud,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

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