Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Upper body hotel gym training in Denver

Hotel gym workout today for upper body.

Also had pre-workout caffeine. Pretty wound up right now!

The Workout:

1A) Pullups
1B) DB 1-Arm Shoulder Press

2A) Decline Pushups

3) Meathead Arms (curls and extensions)

Rear delts are very tight. I warmed up adequately (I thought)...but it looks like it's back to the old drawing board to better prepare myself for pullups.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
"The greatest trap in life is not success or power, but self-rejection.” – H.J.M. Nouwen … Do not compare your bank account, your job, your car, or your body against others. There is only you NOW and you then. Focus on progress from Point A and Point B. Change is a matter of choice, not calendar. You could just as easily change your life today as you could on New Year's Day.

Believe in yourself,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

PS - Knowledge is power.

Never stop learning, improving, and living. Be prepared to stumble before you succeed, but never give up on going after what is important to you. You CAN do it.

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