Sunday, January 24, 2016

1000 hours and 17 reps

Sunday update for you.

Live from Denver where the city is a sea of orange.

And it's a gorgeous day...45 degrees and sunny.

Yesterday was a recovery day, and today was a big deadlift day. Good times!

1A) Deadlift - hit a PB at 225x17 (overhand grip)
1B) Mobility

2A) Bench Press
2B) Mobility

3A) DB Reverse Lunge
3B) Foam Rolling

Last week I was mentally exhausted after the deadlift workout, but today I feel fresh.

Tonight I'm going to watch the end of Skyfall (2nd time through it) and get a good sleep before another big week in the ETR office.

One of my goals for 2016 is to spend 1000 hours in the ETR office, and I've already crossed the 10% mark this month. I might even hit 20% before I head home to Canada on Feb 4th. Another goal is 84 business dinners, and I've hit 1/12th of that so far. I'll try to sneak in a couple more this week.

Off day from training tomorrow, and then upper body on Tuesday followed with squats on Wednesday, and another weekend deadlift session.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
Success is not just a number on a scale or clothing label. It is the achievement of living with maximum energy and having built the habits that make good, healthy choices seem natural to you. When you choose to eat healthy and you choose to exercise instead of watching TV, that is achievement. This will help you love life and the people around you more. The process is often just as important as the physical progress. A body transformation cannot happen without a mental transformation as well. Let's go and make a small step in the right direction of big changes, right now. This will make it a great day for you. You can do it, I believe in you.

Believe in yourself,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

PS - Another great book review...

"The Perfect Day formula is my 'go to' reference for personal productivity. I was able to read the entire book on a plane ride (about 3 hours). It was 3 hours massively well spent. Craig's '12 rules' formula has already impacted my life significantly. I'm a pretty disciplined person, but the Perfect Day Formula has taken my sense of freedom to a new level. At the end of the day, it is about having more peace in my life and less stress. Highly recommend!" - Enoch Sears

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