Friday, October 23, 2015

Squats and Heart Rate and Porsche Trip

Squat workout today with pre-workout caffeine. Focused. Feeling it already and it's allowed me to write some good articles. The caffeine will also keep me alert on my 90 minute drive to the airport before lunch.

On the downside, the caffeine might lead to some afternoon anxiety. You win some and lose some.

Today is also another no Coke Zero, no plastic water bottles day. I'll be using my S'Well bottle at the airport and on my flight to Atlanta. I'll also pick up some coconut water in the boxed package format.

I wussed out of venturing from the garage today. So there was no barbell squatting. I'm pressed for time with a work meeting and trip to airport. It's one of those days where I'm kicking myself for agreeing to go on this trip - I volunteered to take the place of a friend that is even busier than I.

Oh well. It makes Sunday afternoon's drive home from the airport that much sweeter. I'm going to be smiling the entire way.

But even though I skipped the barbell, today's workout was even more brutal in the garage. Punishment, I suppose, for not loading a heavy barbell onto my back.

Max HR workout (warning, can also cause a max exertion headache):

1A) Goblet Squats
1B) KB Swings
1C) SlamBall Slam

- 15 reps x 7 rounds
- No rest between exercises
- Rest 1 minute between rounds

By the way, I'm serious about the exertion headache. This workout is no jokez. Heart rate will be through the roof and perfect form is needed so you don't injure your low back. This is no bueno for beginners.

Max HR will be reached after the 3rd round.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:

Past is in the past, my friend. Only the present & future matter. Control what you can, cope with what you can’t, & concentrate on what counts.

Alright, enough grumbling.

Off to make the most of this day,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

PS – One more set of words for the weekend…

Live & lead by example. Be proud of the changes you are making and what you are trying to accomplish. Create your code. Stand up for what you believe in. You will attract the right people and repel the negative. Find the right people for your life and don't be afraid to let go of negativity.

PPPS – And one set of wheels for the weekend.



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