Monday, October 26, 2015

Deadlifts and Driving

Saturday was a tough challenge on the NO-plastic bottles resolution. We spent the day at the Porsche Experience Center in Atlanta. It was warm, but not too hot, however I didn't bring a water bottle due to the activities.

That meant going out of the way to make extra trips to the water fountain.

Full report coming on Friday!

It was a heck of a day... and I got whooped with some type of motion sickness. Imagine having a pretty bad hangover and nausea for 9 hours.


Oh well, good times were still had by all.

Sunday was a CASS-Free travel day, and a smooth one at that, from Atlanta to Toronto. Delta flight was on time. Water bottle was filled at ATL airport filling station. Napping on plane was achieved.

Quick drive home in the sunshine was enjoyed. Walk with dog through the newly harvested cornfield - and into the dirty river - was enjoyed. Cleaning of newly filthy dog, not so much. LOL.

Good to be back home. I'll be on the farm for 10 days, then off to California for the Info Blueprint Workshop next week, and then Denver for a week after that. We have some BIG projects coming up... including our launch of Missi's new 21-Day coaching program, Chef Gui's cookbook, and preparations for the January release of my book, The Perfect Day Formula.

Expecting some great times to be had by all in the weeks ahead!

Today was a decent caffeine-fueled workout.

1A) Hang Clean
1B) Mobility and calf stretches

2A) Deadlift
2B) Mobility and Military Press warm-up

3A) Military Press
3B) Pull-up bar hang

4) Rack Pull

5) Rowing - 500meter interval

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
If you insist on using cardio machines, make sure you NEVER use of the machine pre-set programs. Always use the manual interval training option to control your bursts and recoveries.

Avoid long, boring cardio programs…and never, EVER believe the calorie counters on cardio confessional machines. This is one of the biggest frauds in fat loss today.

Shape magazine found that the elliptical machine overestimates calorie burn by 42%! And even the standard stationary bike overestimates calories burned by 12%.

Don't believe the cardio hype…and don't use calories burned to justify eating MORE calories after a cardio workout.

Stay focused on what works,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

PS - We had another big TT Certification on the weekend!

Congratulations to our newest Certified Turbulence Trainers from this weekend in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. What an awesome day of hands on training with Master CTT Daniel Woodrum. You still have a chance to get Level 1 TT Certified this year and join our 10 Million Mission.…

We will teach you the #1 fat loss system in the world and show you exactly how to turn your passion of health and fitness into a profitable and rewarding career. There's no better feeling than giving others a new opportunity at life.

We look forward to having you join our CTT Team! Learn more below and register for your event in 2015:…

Turbulence Training's photo.

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