Monday, October 12, 2015

Rowing Record in Vegas

As I take this week off from heavy weights, I've given myself some new challenges. Inspired by the Gym Jones crew, the rower has been making a regular appearance in my training.

Fortunately, the hotel gym here in Vegas has one. I set some records in 1K and 250 meter rows. Also did a circuit of Bulgarian Split Squats, DB RDL with 5 second eccentric, and Goblet squats. Here's the 6am view...
Turbulence Training's photo.

That's how I'm changing up my workouts these days, and here's an idea for you. T'is that time of year to be sharing this one.
But seriously...check out this amazing transformation:

Vegas Nutrition Update:
The no-plastic-bottles challenge has been tough here in Vegas, but I'm still on track. It's meant tap water in my S'Well bottle, plus more bottled sparkling water and more peppermint tea.

Sunday was a CASS-Free travel day from DenVegas to Las Vegas. That was simple and I enjoyed a nice nap on the plane as a result of no caffeine.

My 9-Day Vegan Paleo diet came to an end last night at Maestro's Ocean Club restaurant where I had a bone-in ribeye, baked potato, and asparagus.

The steak was good enough, but not legendary. Tonight...more JG in the Aria hotel. Tomorrow, more Bazaar. Not sure what Wednesday night will bring. Thursday will be Vegan Paleo. Then back to the farm on Friday, and more steak probably, at least if Bally the Dog is cooking dinner...unless he's left me some turkey leftovers from today's Canadian Thanksgiving feast.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
Live by Extreme Example so that you inspire people to transform their lives. Do whatever it takes to achieve your goals and to show people that it is possible to change. Set your goals, review your goals, and prioritize your goals. Know what you want. Know what matters to you. Go out and get it. Don't stop till you do. And never, ever give up on what is important to you.

Hit a record every day,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

PS - Hmmm...not the best view for morning meditation...LOL.
Turbulence Training's photo.

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