Tuesday, October 13, 2015

7x better than cardio

This might be the most interesting – and shocking – workout study ever. Crazy Canadian researchers at Queen's University tested the #1 bodyweight exercise (revealed below) against long cardio. In the study, 22 college-aged women did 4 workouts per week for 4 weeks.

Group A did 30 minutes of treadmill running at 85% max heart rate
Group B did 8 rounds of 20 seconds of the #1 bodyweight move with 10 seconds of rest between rounds.

Both training groups increased their aerobic fitness levels by the SAME amount (about 7-8%). That's right, the Crazy Canadian Scientists found that doing just 4-minutes of bodyweight training is 7 times more effective than cardio.

The bodyweight training group increased muscular endurance in leg extensions, sit-ups, and push-ups AND they reported enjoying the workouts much more than the women in the BORING cardio group.

But wait, there's more… a NEW study from the Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research compared the #1 bodyweight exercise against cardio machine interval training… and the results are equally as shocking.

Eleven subjects (8 men and 3 women) did these two workouts:

#1 – 30 seconds of sprint interval cycling
#2 – 30 seconds of the #1 bodyweight exercise

After a 4-minute rest break, they repeated the cycle 3 more times.

The results showed that the #1 bodyweight exercise worked just as well as doing traditional sprint interval training on a bike.

That's great news for everyone that exercises without fancy equipment. You CAN get great fat burning, fitness boosting results in just a few minutes with the #1 bodyweight exercise…

…and that exercise is Burpees.

Now wait a second… I know what you're thinking… Burpees might be too advanced for you, or your knees might not like that movement.

Fortunately, I've discovered equally effective exercises, like my trademarked Total Body Extensions, along with classic "narrow-stance squats," "prisoner squats," and dozens of other exercises demonstrated in my Home Workout Revolution videos.

That's why I created over 51 NO-equipment follow-along workout videos for you to use anytime, anywhere. There are no obstacles standing in your way.

You can get all of my bodyweight exercises and workouts here

With these bodyweight workout DVD's you don't need:
  • An expensive gym membership
  • A car (or expensive gasoline) to drive to the gym
  • ANY equipment at all
  • Lots of time to drive to the gym, find parking, change your clothes, etc., etc.
  • A lot of space (you just need a 4x4 area or less)
  • Overpriced, brand-name workout clothes so you can look the part in the mega-gym fashion show

...you can do ALL of these workouts at home in whatever you want to wear (even your PJ's).

You'll save time, money, and hassle, all while getting amazing results because of the science and experience behind this proven fat-burning program.

Now you can watch these workouts on TV thanks to YOUR demand that I create a DVD version. And so to recognize the Crazy Canadian Scientists that inspired these workouts, and to celebrate Canadian Thanksgiving, we're having a 51% off DVD Canadian Celebration Sale.

Get full access to the #1 bodyweight workout DVDs here **save 51% off today**

But hurry, "Crazy Canadian" week ends soon (because we're crazy!).

Kick cardio to the curb like a Crazy Canadian today,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

  PS - Ignore the haters!

When someone tells you it can't be done, it's more a reflection of their limitations, not yours.

Having a plan is one of the most important keys to successful fat loss. The less knowledgeable you are about exercise and diet, the more important this is.

That's why I've created all of my NO-excuses systems and put them on DVD for you.

Get full access to the #1 bodyweight workout DVDs here **save 51% off today**

Stay strong and keep on pushing on!

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