Friday, October 02, 2015

Holiday Cookbook is here

Last November, I traveled to my friend Joel Marion's in Florida to enjoy "American" Thanksgiving (we have ours a month earlier in Canada).

"You're going to be amazed at the food," Joel promised. "Chef Gui has made healthier versions of everything.

I was skeptical. American TV had convinced me everyone gained 10 pounds on Thanksgiving. But Joel was right. I ate as much as I could! The sweet potato mash was my favorite. But I didn't feel bloated, tired, or guilty after. The next day I was full of energy and my pants still fit! It was a Thanksgiving miracle. :)

And now, just in time for both Canadian and American Thanksgiving, my friend, Chef Gui, has released his 45 Holiday Recipes Cookbook to help you lose weight and look great while eating ALL of your favorite holiday meals.

Arrow pink  Get Instant Access to 45 Holiday Recipes so you can OVEREAT the foods you love
     2015 10 02 holiday food     2015 10 02 turkey
Say goodbye to a Season of Starvation and Sacrifice. Say Hello to overeating your favorite foods and being able to enjoy every meal like all of your friends and family do, without worrying about your waistline. This is the Guilt-Free holiday cookbook you've been waiting for.

There's never been a recipe guide like it before. The meals are delicious, unlike the so-called healthy foods you buy in stores that only end up tasting like cardboard. Those bland foods were why you weren't able to lose weight over the holidays in the past. But this is different. Chef Gui's holiday recipe solution is here for you.

Arrow pink  Get Instant Access to Your Holiday Meal Cookbook and OVEREAT the foods you love

But hurry, the Holiday Cookbook is only available for a short time. Then it's off the market. And I don't want you to miss out.

Get it today, accelerate your results, transform your body, your mind, and your life, and get ready to WOW your family with these amazing meals all season long.

Bally the Dog and I agree, it's never too early to start celebrating the holidays. Get instant access today and try out one of your favorites this weekend.

Arrow pink  Get Instant Access to 45 Holiday Recipes so you can OVEREAT the foods you love

And get ready to go back for guilt-free seconds.

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

  PS - And remember...

You must find the real reason you want to change and use that reason as your motivation every day.

Never forget: Every action and every decision either moves you closer to or farther away from your goals. Choose wisely.

Make the right choice for your holiday weight loss and get Chef's cookbook today!

Arrow pink  Get Instant Access to 45 Holiday Recipes so you can OVEREAT the foods you love

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