Thursday, October 01, 2015

Best Cardio Ever

Readers always ask me, "Craig, what's the BEST cardio to do if you want to lose weight?"

And then I SHOCK them with this answer.

You don't need to do cardio. You don't need to jog to lose weight.

You can burn fat, get slim, boost your metabolism, and get ALL of the cardio health benefits with my NEW form of exercise. If you do what I show you, and put TURBULENCE on your muscles, then you will get slim and sexy, build metabolism-boosting lean muscle, and improve your fitness - all in ONE simple session.

You don't need to go to a gym. You don't need to pound your joints running on the pavement. The BEST cardio and weight loss exercises are in these 30-minute fat burning metabolic videos.

Why are these BETTER than the treadmill? Three BIG reasons...

#1 - You Will Get FASTER Results

In less time than it takes to drive to the gym, find a parking spot, and fight the back-to-school crowds for a piece of cardio equipment, you can stay home and burn fat in the comfort of your living room, all while getting better results. Research shows that it takes 50 hours of cardio to lose one pound, but when you use the Best Workouts Ever, you'll lose 2-3 pounds per WEEK.

Arrow pink  Get FASTER Weight Loss Results with the BEST Workouts Ever here

URGENT NOTE: These workouts are on sale until midnight tonight ONLY... this is your LAST chance to get fit this year! If you want to be slim and sexy for the holidays, you must act now. There are only 57 days until Thanksgiving!

#2 - You Will Save LOTS of Money

You don't need an expensive gym membership or giant piece of cardio equipment to lose fat and get back in shape. So save your money and stay home to burn fat. You can even do these workouts when you are traveling.

#3 - You Will Exercise Less & Have More Time to Enjoy Life

When you stop doing long cardio, you'll save a lot of time and you'll DOUBLE your calorie burning with the NEW workout system. These short, burst home workouts dramatically increase your metabolism during exercise and boost your post-exercise calorie Afterburn thanks to a scientific phenomenon called muscle turbulence.

It's a 2-for-1 fat burning combo. That's why these are the BEST workouts ever.

Arrow pink  Get the BEST Fat Burning Workouts EVER  Arrow pink2

Each 30-minute workout comes in follow-along, online video format and is part of a proven 16-week program. There are over a dozen different sessions that will double your calorie burn and help you build lean muscle.

Plus, when you've lost all the weight you want to lose, you can cut down and do these just TWICE per week to maintain your sexy new body and energy levels. That gives you even more time to enjoy your super sexy flat stomach outside of the gym.

Arrow pink  Get Instant Access to the Best Workouts Ever here

And perhaps best of all... you get ME to show up at your home for each session. :)

Yes, that's right, the videos show you the perfect form and motivate you from start to finish so that you'll never miss a session and you'll never give up on getting those amazing results. It's the perfect program for you.

Enjoy the best new workouts in the comfort of your own home today, and let me know which one is your favorite.

URGENT NOTE: These workouts are on sale until midnight tonight ONLY... this is your LAST chance to get fit this year! If you want to be slim and sexy for the holidays, you must act now. There are only 57 days until Thanksgiving!

See you soon,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

  PS - Don't think you have to wait until the 'time is right'…

…It will never be. Start now. As the old saying goes, "The best time to plant an oak tree was 25 years ago. The second best time is now." Get started. Take action.

You must add URGENCY into your transformation. There must be a deadline - with consequences. Deadlines are magic, they spur us to great achievements. When you set a deadline, put in place an action plan, and have social support and accountability, that is when you'll reach your goals.

Arrow pink  Get Instant Access to the BEST Workouts Ever to Lose Fat Faster

Leave your comfort zone, put a little pressure on yourself, and you WILL accomplish remarkable things.


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