Thursday, September 03, 2015

The new ETR Hour of Power

Woke up with some lingering tightness in rear deltoids and rotator cuff area, but really wanted to do a push-pull workout. I spent some extra time in warm-up and stretching and got good to go for a 5am hotel gym workout here in Nashville.

The hotel gym is ample in size, like the serving of brisket we had last night at Merchants, but much like the brisket did, it is lacking greatness.

Still, it had enough for me to do:

1A) Pause Pullups - 5 sets
1B) Pause Pushups - 5 sets of 20

2A) DB Incline Press
2B) Seated Row

3A) DB Chest Supported Row
3B) Extra mobility & stretching

I followed that with another great sunrise session meditation by the pool. The only downside is that it's a westerly view, and I prefer to meditate facing the rising sun. On the bright side, there's an older women (55?) that swims each morning at 6am, so I hear what sounds like a waterfall as I relax.

Usually I meditate before the workout, but I'm enjoying this switcheroo. It's a great way to wind down from the workout.

The diet calls for CASS-Free plans again today. Had a decent 7 hour sleep last night (still waking up on EST, but I've shifted time zones to CST - 1 hour back). A couple of friends had to cancel their trips to Nashville, including Jay Ferruggia, so the nights might be quieter and earlier than expected.

Bad for memories (that will not be made), but good for recovery. New research is showing that short sleepers catch more colds.

That's another reason to explain why you catch a cold while traveling for work or holiday (in addition to eating poorly and being around strangers and their germy germs).

While meditating I had an idea. Now I know the purpose of meditation is to zone out, for lack of a better term, but what matters most to me is relaxing, and I don't get stressed out if I start thinking about something.

So I let my idea bounce around for a bit, and realized that we (at TT and ETR) have recommended enough vital habits that we've built what I call:

The New ETR Power Hour

Imagine how your life would change if you devoted the first 60 minutes of your day to this routine:

15-Minutes: Thinking about & taking action on your #1 priority in life
5-Minutes: Writing in your ETR Gratitude journal
5-Minutes: Meditation or prayer
10-Minutes: Yoga with ETR's Missi Holt, CTT
10-Minutes: Metabolic Miracle Training (HWR) with Craig -
For example =>
5-Minutes: Power Shake (Daily Energy greens + BioTrust vanilla protein)

Yes, I know, it only adds up to 50 minutes. That's the POWER of this routine!

Add in 10 minutes for Nature's Call and brushing your teeth, and there's no better way to start your day.

Okay, there's one better way. :)

But after that, this is the BEST!

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
Success begins and ends with your personal responsibility. Success lives and dies with you and your ability to take action. Identify what needs to be done and do it today. Do more of what works and less of what doesn't. Say No more often. Say YES to Focus. Say NO to other people's drama. You deserve better. Stay strong and NEVER, ever give up on what is important to you.

Try the hour of power today,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

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