Wednesday, September 02, 2015

Nashville Nap and Meditation

It was an extended travel day on Tuesday. It had been a while since my last significant delay, and yesterday, due to a mechanical issue, my flight was delayed three hours. I had a little nap on the plane and feel alright today, and I was well prepared with food and water for the airport. So I haven't fallen off track anywhere.

So far in September, so CASS-Free.

My S'Well water bottle is impressive. Keeps that water dang cold, even in a hot car, and helped me avoid bottled water at the airport.

There will be plenty of temptations this week, and not a lot of sleep, but as I 'sang' yesterday, I am going to...

Hold out on caffeine just as long as I can,
Beverage changes coming along real good,
Makin' us better women and men

(Apologies to John Cougar!)

No workout today, my upper back is still sore from Sunday deadlifts. Tomorrow I'll hit pause pushups and pullups at the hotel, or I'll find a 24-Hour gym and add the bench press.

I did have a great 25-minute meditation session on the outdoor hotel pool deck, though. Wish I had brought my trunks. Swimming is a nice recovery day workout.

Finally, FB video is pretty cool. Our team figured out how to use it. Here's an Intermediate follow-along workout from Missi Holt, CTT:

Today's Kick-Butt BOLD Action Plan:
Take bold action today. If you believe in something, if you have a vision, if you have a goal, then be proud of it. Live and lead by example.

Have courage. Stand out. Encourage and motivate others through your actions and attract positive people and powerful support into your world. …

"You are capable of greatness. All you need to do is believe in yourself. The first step on the journey to success is having a little bit of faith. So don't ever let anyone ever tell you that you can't do something, never lose faith in your abilities, and be willing to take risks. You'll get to where you were meant to go. Just believe." – Bobby Maximus


Craig Ballantyne, CTT

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