Monday, September 21, 2015

Sunday Training and Monday Recovering

Today was a wonderful off-day walk. We started at 6:15am in the dark, and walked through the cemetery as the sun rose. We kept going down by the river and into the center of town, circling back once we hit the main intersection of town.

It was 75 minutes later when we arrived home. Bally had his breakfast and i did 10 minutes of stretching. My quads are still sore from Friday, my forearms tired from Saturday, and my chest still a tad tight from Sunday's bench press workout. It went like this:

1A) Bench Press - 5x5
1B) Chest-Supported Row

2A) DB Press
2B) Pause Pullup - Hitting a personal best of 8 reps (1 second pause at the top and 1 second pause at bottom with full extension)

It was quick. Then I did some grocery shopping and hung out with the dog in the afternoon.

Tomorrow will be another day off with a walk, bike ride, and lots of stretching, and then I'll deadlift on Wednesday.

Sunday and today were CASS-Free, as will tomorrow be, but Wednesday will be a pre-dealift Green Tea. And of course, no plastic water bottles at all. I'm doing really well with these mini-challenges.

Gut health is doing well. And here's a great article from a seemingly lovely lady down Ali Fox's way in Australia.

I do everything she says. You should to. If you don't, make those changes.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
Be comfortable in your own skin. Tame your FOMO - Fear of Missing Out. Worry not what others do. Instead, celebrate their successes. And rejoice in your virtue. YOLO - You Only Live Once. Leave your Legacy. Concentrate on what counts.

Get going,

Craig Ballantyne

PS - Love this one too...

"I wanted to mention how fabulous it is to be a Fitness Professional and meeting so many different trainers and business owners throughout the years. From the TT Summit to Fitness Business Summit and other small events or venues where we all come together. Over the past three months I different members bringing friends / family members who have been visiting them from other states. OR on a business trip. It's amazing to see how many of these people have been attending Fit Body Boot Camps across the states. So far I've had people come into my gym from Grand Rapids Michigan and Lansing Michigan, Santa Rosa California, Petaluma Ca, Minisota, Texas and today New York!! AND even more amazing a few of my business travelers have used TT workouts in the past are finding out that there is a direct connection with Turbulence Training being a Certified Turbulence Trainer. I'm realizing more and more every day that I'm not only making a difference in my community but touching so many people that I don't even realize. Truly love my job!!" - Lesa Gutenkunst, CTT

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