Wednesday, September 23, 2015

5 exercises if you look old

The NY Times published a shocking article claiming you only need about 20 minutes of vigorous exercise per week to live a long and healthy life. That's right, per WEEK. The timing of this article is perfect, because...

On the next page, you're going to learn about five exercises that take just 17.5 minutes per week and train ONE energy system that will burn calories for up to 48 hours after exercise.

This proven system will help you FIX your metabolism, and in doing so, you'll tighten, trim, and re-define areas of your body you may have forgotten can look so good. Dr. Kareem will even ship you a DVD with SEVEN follow-along anti-aging workouts, absolutely FREE (just pay s/h):

5 Exercises if you LOOK OLD. -- {Follow-Along Format}

To a longer and higher quality life,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

PS - Prior Preparation Prevents Poor Performance. 

If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. If you don't have 2 solutions for every obstacle, you will feel guilty every time you give in. 

Prepare your plan and execute on it. Review it regularly. Remove temptations so you stick to it. 

Once your plan is set, right decisions are easily made. You stay on track, marching towards your milestones. Success will be yours, and it starts now with your planning. 

5 Exercises if you LOOK OLD. -- {Follow-Along Format}

Push on and stay strong! You can do it. I believe in YOU.

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