Thursday, August 27, 2015

Truth About Weight Loss

It makes me so sad to hear from men and women around the world that are still doing hours and hours of cardio exercise for weight loss.

"I'm not losing inches," they cry. "And my knees, back, and hips hurt from doing the same BORING thing over and over again."

I feel your pain. I once ran too much. It left me skinny fat. It was only when I gave that up – in 1996 – and permanently switched to short burst workouts that I was able to get the body of my dreams.

Here's the TRUTH about exercise.

Less is more. Let me prove it to you.

Click here for the shortest exercises for FAST fat burning results

Give me 10 minutes in the morning and I'll give YOU a new body and all-day energy without the negative side effects of too much cardio exercise.

Change your ways today,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

PS – More TRUTH about weight loss…

Keep a food journal. Eat more protein, fiber, fruits, vegetables, and raw nuts. Drink more water and Green Tea. A little coffee is fine. If you must have alcohol, stick to one drink two or three times per week.

Do short burst workouts 3-4 times per week.

Use these exact exercises ONLY <= takes less than 10-minutes per day

On recovery days, stay active with fun, light activities for 30-60 minutes (such as dancing, playing with your kids, yoga, or walking the dog). Sleep 7 to 8 hours each night, going to bed and getting up at the same time every day.

Plan your diet and your days. Hang around positive people for social support. Be accountable. Give yourself an incentive for success. Set a hard deadline…and hit it. You can do it. I believe in you. Your time is NOW

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