Wednesday, August 26, 2015

True story of Bally the Dog

Oh dear, another Bally the Dog misadventure. There we were on our regular afternoon dog walk through the city cemetery, underneath the mature Canadian maple trees, all lush and green from a mid-summer's rainstorm.

And then he had to go and spoil the mood…by pooping. Frantically I searched my pockets. Where were those bags? They must have fallen out on our walk…uh oh.

But then, as luck would have it, an old high school friend, Mike S., walked by with his ruby red Hungarian Vizsla (almost as handsome as my chocolate lab!).

"Hey Craig, don't worry, I've got some extra bags" he said, seeing the panic on my face.

"Thanks Mike, you're a life saver. I owe you one."

"Actually, I owe YOU," Mike said. "Ever since I stopped jogging and started doing the workout videos you sent me, I've gotten better results and I even got rid of my plantar fasciitis. So thanks, buddy. By the way, it's great 'seeing you' everyday in the videos, too. It's just like old times!"

"Great to hear, Mike, glad I could help."

And that made my day. I love hearing success stories like Mike's.

Now you can 'be like Mike' too. Just imagine the results YOU can get when you start using my workouts.

You'll boost your metabolism, lose weight, have more energy, improve your fitness, get stronger, and eliminate nagging injuries – all in less than 10 minutes in the morning.

Click here for my NEW Metabolic Miracle 10-Minute Morning Exercises

And YES, you can do these any time of the day, but it's more convenient when you kickstart your metabolism in the morning so that you can burn fat all day long – even when you're stuck in traffic or sitting at your desk.

Let's fix your metabolism today with these new fat-burning videos. Take action today and we can kickstart your metabolism together first thing in the morning.

See you soon,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer


"To get something you've never had, you must do something you've never done"

"I am using your daily workouts and I'm down 3.5 pounds after three days of the program. Thank you for your motivational posts. I look forward to them and frequently share them." – Donna Marsh

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