Monday, July 27, 2015

Sunday Upper Body Crusher

Once again I got lazy. Barbell lazy.

My training program called for a bench press workout at the YMCA, but sometimes I just don't feel like leaving home, biking down to the YMCA, paying my $10, dealing with the front desk people, going up to the gym, and watching all the suckers on the treadmills and ellipticals as I get down to business. I do what really matters while they waste their time. Can't get any good stories out of that, though, but sometimes there are some really interesting folks doing wacky things in the weight area.

Still, it wasn't enough to get me off the farm. So I trained at home and pushed hard. My low back was sore from deadlifts because I made some slight alterations to my form. My posterior delts and teres major (or is it minor) were tight, that didn't help. But I did an extensive warmup of:
- Ballantyne's
- Band Pulls
- Maximus Pushups
- Slam Ball Slams

That got me ready for this:

1A) Powerblock Chest Press - 5x5
1B) TRX Row - 5x10

2A) Decline Maximus Pushup - 3xMax
2B) PB CSR - 3x12

3A) KB Farmer Walks - new record of 3:18 with 53lbs in each hand
3B) TRX Triceps Extension - Couple sets of 10
3C) Sprints in the backyard - did 4 blocks of 4x10seconds with 10 seconds rest

Good times had by all. Even the dog. He sat in the shade while I trained. He got a couple of walks in, but it's pretty hot up here today. Perfect for reading in the backyard. I've been hooked on a 20 year old book called Snow Crash. Usually Sci-Fi isn't my thing (well, it's never been my thing), but for some reason I dig this one. It's really impressive to read it now and remember that some of the world Neil Stephenson predicted has come true. Fortunately not all of it, not even close, but some things.

And it's given me a few training and business ideas, too.

So I had a lazy Sunday hanging out. It's the calm before the storm of next week's travel. Nothing like putting Russia and Turkey, two potential hot spots (and Turkey getting hotter by the day) for International incidences. Oh well. Adds a little extra spice to my borscht and kebobs, right? Maybe I'll get lucky and be offered a chance to wrestle Putin...or train with Ivan Drago...or on a date with 1985's Brigette Neilson (pre Flava Flav).

BTW, here's a totally random fact: Joel Marion used to rush home from school, at age 12, and watch Rocky IV every day. I think he's watched it 50 or 100 times. Ha. Hilarious.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
Seems almost hypocritical to post this, but I still hammered out a great training session, just not the one originally planned.

We fail to take action not because of people stopping us, but because we stop ourselves! So to move forward and make BIG progress in your life, you must change your attitude and start believing in yourself. It's time to overcome all those mental obstacles that stopped you in the past. It was NOT your fault then. You just didn't have the support and wisdom that you now have in place here today from us to you. This is your time. You can – and WILL – do it. We believe in you. Join us and start believing in yourself. Identify WHY you want to change and make that WHY into a burning desire for success. Let nothing get in your way.

Make the changes you need to make – right now – for your right life.

Seriously, make them.

Making them,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

PS - Watch for the TT App to be available this week.

"To get something you've never had, you must do something you've never done" - ‪#‎truth‬ .....Take massive action today toward your #1 priority

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

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