Saturday, July 25, 2015

Changing the deadlift and your attitude

Yesterday was a frustrating deadlift workout. I hit some personal bests outside of my main deadlift numbers, but the main lift struggled.

That said, I am experimenting with a different form based on this article:

The workout:

1A) Hang Clean
1B) Mobility

2A) Deadlift
2B) Snatch + OH Squat

3A) Olympic Squat
3B) Leg Curl

I have one more deadlift workout before my trip to Europe. I leave next Saturday evening, heading to Russia via Zurich, then to Lithuania, Istanbul, and London. I usually dislike traveling, believe it or not, and I always sit at home wishing my flight would be cancelled. Not this time. I'm very excited.

I had my traditional pre-deadlift Coke Zero, so yesterday was not CASS-free, but today is a...CASS-Free Saturday.

...with a new FRO-CO bowl for breakfast. For some reason, I could really use some caffeine today...feeling a little sleepy, but I'll be fine soon, I'm sure. Going to get outside for an easy bike ride soon.

This recipe is simpler than Daniel's fancy southern-cookin' bowls. Then again, I ain't no Paula Deen.

1 tablespoon coconut oil
pecans - must be from freezer
fresh blueberries
more coconut oil
more pecans
almond butter - To be honest, it's better with peanut butter, but I try to avoid PB...we need to save the PB in the house to hide Bally's pills when he needs to take meds for his paw infection that is currently acting up.

The frozen pecans solidify the coconut oil. For some reason I like that.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
Surround yourself with people who are better than you…they will bring out the best in you. Play UP a level starting today. Follow the golden rule. Help others. The more they succeed, the more you succeed. Don't hold back. Replace scarcity with massive generosity.

Make the change,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

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