Monday, June 22, 2015

Yes to Squats But No to Coffee and Curls

Back to the bar. No, not that bar. It's been a while since I've been to the bar. And I still haven't had my first coffee. More about that in a moment.

Today's workout put me back under the bar at the YMCA. It was good times, even though I'm a bit rushed today. After a bike ride to the gym, it was...

- about a dozen old-man warm-up bodyweight exercises

1A) Barbell Squat Jump
1B) Barbell Squat Warm-Up sets

2A) Barbell Squat - 5x5
2B) Box Jump

3A) Front Squat
3B) Back Extension
3C) Leg Curl

Good times. A little better and stronger than last week (after which I was sore for 5 days). Hopefully recovery is better and faster this week. I'll squat again next Tuesday morning when I'm in Denver.

Unfortunately, today was also International Do-Biceps-Curls-Like-A-Clown-Day. No offense to all the professional clowns reading this. Listen, GUYS (and it's only guys), use less weight and do the exercise right.

And as you might know, yesterday was International Yoga Day. I did 10 minutes of Yoga after a 6 mile walk (!) with Bally the Dog to start the day. But I did NOT have a coffee mid-walk as I thought I might. It just didn't feel right and so the streak of 40 years and a few months continues...

I know, I know, I sound like a nitwit because I'm waiting for a 'special moment' to have my first coffee. So many times I've been on the brink...but have not made the big leap. Maybe July 1st to celebrate Canada Day, or July 4th to celebrate Independence Day (by - possibly - getting hooked on the world's most popular legal drug, LOL). Or maybe I'll wait until September to have one with Bedros Keuilian.

Today's Training Resource:

How to Never Miss a workout (workouts included)
Image result for craig ballantyne squat

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tips:
Be the bright light in people's lives during dark days and troubled times. They will never ever forget what you do for them.

As my favorite quote says..."People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." - Maya Angelou

Push on,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

PS - If you fell off the wagon this weekend...

...cut your losses, don't worry about it, and get right back on track. Immediately. It's minor damage that can be dealt with. Most people allow one treat to become a 50-shades-of-chocolate-3-month-orgy-of-fast-food, but it doesn't have to be that way. Sometimes the most important thing for fat loss is to simply stay out of harms way. Rather than focusing on being a perfect eater and trying to lower your calories, just make sure you don't put yourself in any situations where you overdo it. Don't expect life to go perfectly…so be ready to go with the flow…come prepared for every obstacle with 2 solutions…and you will succeed. I believe in you!

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