Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Powerblocks vs Burpees vs P Diddy with a Kettleball

Interesting experience last night. I spoke at the Kiwanis Club here in Stratford at the request of my high school French teacher. It was fun. Great to see a couple of my other high school teachers there as well.

I gave out an ETR Gratitude Journal to an enthusiastic member (she gave me a big hug after), a box of Thank You cards to someone that promised to put them to good use, and a set of 6-Minutes To Skinny DVDs.

Today I got a little lazy and decided to train in the garage with Powerblocks instead of hitting the gym for barbell bench presses. Still earned a good pump, though, and the workout went like this:

A) Band Pull
B) Maximus Pushups

1A) PB Flat Press - 5x5
1B) TRX Row - 4xMax

2A) PB Incline Press - 4x12
2B) PB CSR - 4x12
2C) Ab Wheel

3) 1 set of Maximus Pushups to Failure

Good times.

Now two days off and then a big deadlift session on Friday!

No Kettlebells were used to assault anyone in this workout.

PS - Someone tell the media it's Kettlebell, not Kettleball.

P Diddy doesn't attack people with Kettleballs, only Kettlebells.

PPS - No kettlebell to get your hate on? Well, here's an alternative.

Hate to love burpees? Or love to hate them? Try the 4-min burpee gauntlet with me in this free video -
WORKOUT DESCRIPTION Perform the following circuit in 20/10 style (20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest) for...

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
Treat yourself...when you've earned it. If there is an incentive, it will make you take action. So set your goals, pick a deadline, and pay yourself one way or another. Earn a reward for your performance … IF you hit your goals on time. Do not reward yourself for half-baked efforts…only for doing your best. You have to be tough on yourself. It is not easy to succeed. Demand more of yourself.

Push to earn it,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

PS - It's amazing how you can change someone's life.

From Daniel Woodrum, MCTT, owner of TT Fit Body Bootcamp in Mt. Pleasant, South Carolina.

Wow! Yesterday was absolutely amazing for our 6 week Challengers. Everyone but 4 (out of 43 people) lost weight last week. We had several clients lose up to 5lbs last week, which they were super excited about.

I think hands down this will be the best thing we've done so far for our bootcamp. We just surpassed the 100 member (including Challengers) mark and I plan on being at 150 members by end of July.

I'm confident we can hit that. Everything else is going well and we are super excited about our progress and momentum.

Yesterday, I personally FB messaged every member and thanked them for being a part of our fitness family. The responses back of kindness and appreciation were quite overwhelming.

One member said our bootcamp has helped save her marriage over the past 3 months as both her and her husband are members. Talk about some powerful words.

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