Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Truth About Getting Abs with Ab Exercises

Here's how I got my million-dollar 6-pack abs that you see in my photos. It wasn't from back-breaking sit-ups or crunches. It wasn't from doing dumbbell side-bends (that's a surefire way to ADD inches to your waistline!). And it wasn't from using dangerous ab machines (those machines are scientifically proven to increase your risk of injury).

What I did to get 6-pack abs was a combination of metabolic training, classic interval training, and total body ab exercises using just my bodyweight (but again, these are NOT ineffective crunches or situps).

In fact, you should not use 'ab exercises'. 

In today's new article, "abs" expert Shin Ohtake is going to reveal why "ab-targeted" exercises don't work (no matter how many reps you do!) — plus, he'll show you how tightening up your mid-section is MUCH easier than you might think, once you know what (and what not) to do…

==> 3 Killer Techniques That Get Rid of Stubborn "Ab Flab" (NEW ARTICLE)

If you actually take this advice, you'll be shocked at how quickly your belly fat will seem to melt away, finally revealing those washboard abs that have been hiding underneath for all these years.

Stay Strong and Keep Pushing On,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

PS - Don't skip tip #3 — it's insanely effective!
PPS - It's all YOU! 

Personal growth and change are up to us. "If it is to be," the saying goes, "it's up to me." Our life. Our choices. Our challenges. Our decision. Make the right ones today

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