Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Chocolate for Breakfast

If you've ever talked to a politically-correct, mainstream nutritionist or dietician, it can be really frustrating. Eat lots of whole-wheat bread, never lose more than half-a-pound a week, and "make sure to eat lots of soy, grains, corn, and dairy," they'll say.

But that is BAD advice. 

The TRUTH is that you have to break a LOT of nutrition rules if you want to lose weight.

For example…

#1 Rule to Break: Never eat the foods you <= False!

#2 Rule to Break: You must count calories <= My clients NEVER do this!

#3 Rule to Break: Eat six small meals per day <= No! That just leaves you unsatisfied.

The TRUTH is that you can eat hearty meals of the foods you love without having to count calories IF you follow the insider-advice of a experts that have helped tens of thousands of people change their bodies. 

These experts, like *ahem* myself, and nutrition & cooking gurus like Flavia Del Monte, will show you how to get more results in less time and without having to make big sacrifices in your life or your diet. Just combine my short workouts with Flavia's incredible meals and rule-breaking diet secrets.
If you don't know Flavia, let me tell you about her. She's a Registered Pediatric Nurse, a female fitness expert and a busy new mom (and expecting her 2nd soon!)
In other words...she's Super Woman!
Take a look at how just recently she achieved these amazing transformation results after she had her baby. . .

Wondering how she did it? Here's Flavia's…

3-Step Fast-Fat-Loss Solution:

1. Eat Flavilicious recipes when you are hungry.
2. Eat Flavilicious recipes until she was satisfied – but not stuffed.
3. Eat real food – always!

A big part of her secret was that for the past 2 years she's been working alongside a professional chef and "arming" herself with easy-to-make, allergy-friendly, fat-burning recipes that are DELICIOUS.
Her goal is to teach women how to lose weight just like she did; without starving, without tasteless food, and without counting a single calorie...EVER...not even one!
I'm super excited to share one of my favorite recipes from Flavia's cookbook, Flavilicious
, which Flavia has discount at 60% off to celebrate the release of the hard copy for the next two days:
You can make a few days worth of this on a Sunday, freeze any that you won't be eating for the next few days, and toss the rest in the refrigerator for your busy week. These are balanced with proteins, carbs and fats to keep you fully energized for hours. 
Flavia's recipes also use specific ingredients to BALANCE your hormones, which is the #1 KEY to keeping your body in "fat burning mode" so you can eat until you're full and love your body along the way :)
If you're looking for some brand new recipes to accommodate your crazy schedule, then pick up a copy of Flavia's brand new Flavilicious Cooking cookbook. Her book teaches you how to Eat More to Lose More!
Remember, when you grab it today, you'll be getting a 60% discount because she's celebrating the release of the hard copy version of the book.
==> 60% Off Flavilicious Cooking + Amazing Bonuses
And one more thing...
Anyone who orders today will also grab a very special bonus video called "How to Cook 15 Meals in 50 Minutes!"
This video was created alongside Professional Chef, Amy Stoddart, who unpacks her 10 years of culinary skills into a 50-minute step-by-step 'batch cooking' video. This information is PRICELESS and the biggest time saving cooking video I've ever seen!
(This one bonus will give you back hours of your life, so you can do the activities you really enjoy, all while feeling great and loving your body!)
This bonus video cannot be found anywhere else!
==> How To Cook 15 Meals in 50 Minutes  

Lose fat faster than ever with my workouts and her meals,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

PS – It's up to you!

Personal growth and change are up to us. 

"If it is to be," the saying goes, "it's up to me." 

Our life. Our choices. Our challenges. Our decision. 

Put plans into place to support your growth, to take action, and to do it all with a sense of adventure.

And remember…

To Get Something You've Never Had, You Must Do Something You've Never Done.


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