Monday, March 16, 2015

Shooting and deadlifting

Sunday was a very manly day here in Denver. I woke up early, wrote for a bit, had a good breakfast, and then hit a deadlift workout at the Colorado Athletic Club. Great gym. Good session.

1A) Hang Clean
1B) High Box Jump

2A) Deadlift
2B) High Box Jump

3A) Overhead Squat
3B) Leg Curl

Then the day got even better. Matt Smith picked me up at the hotel and we went off to a gun range where he has a VIP membership. It was only my second time shooting hand guns, but it was a lot of fun. He had some Springfields and 1911's. My favorite was a gun that a friend of ours gave to Matt. This special gun was once owned by an LAPD cop. The handle was smoothed from use, and apparently it was discharged a couple of times in the line of duty, so it had a history. I also just liked the heavy weight of the 1911's. They helped my shooting accuracy, too. Interesting experience. There aren't many leisure activities that I enjoy. Playing hockey and surfing are two of them, and it seems like I've found a third.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
"If it is to be, it's up to me." – ‪#‎truth‬

Success starts and ends with personal responsibility. Control what you can, cope with what you can't, and concentrate on what counts. Blame no one. Depend on no one. Expect nothing given from no one. But no matter. I believe in you. You can – and WILL – do it. Summon your strength and take massive action always moving ahead in a positive direction. Never give up on what is important to you. You know what to do. So let's go! Have an awesome, personally powerful week.

Push on,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

PS - Build others UP because it will only make you more successful.

If you don't have social support, take charge as the leader. Be confident in your choices. People will respect your decisions, even if it seems at first that they don't. Eventually, a lot of people will come to you for advice and support. You are the one making the right decision. Never forget that. And never give up on what really matters to you and your family. Take care of yourself first so that you have the energy and strength for others. You can do it. Have an amazing week!

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