Saturday, March 14, 2015

Always look for answers

Streaking Update

1) Write 3000 words per day

Finished up essays on the daily rituals of Stephen King and Thomas Jefferson, and TT emails with appearances by Steve Millar and St. Patrick.

Today is a travel day to Denver, tomorrow is Deadlift Day. During the flight I'll be finishing the TT WOM for April (return to bodyweight training) and the TT Summit copy. We've already filled a lot of seats without a web page.

2) No Post Dinner Binge Eating

None. Not even tempted. No booze helps. Today I'll eat an early dinner on the plane (5:30-ish EST, but 3:30ish MST). Sunday morning will bring an early wake-up (since I'll still be on EST), an equally early breakfast, then deadlifting. So I'm all dialed in here, and will stick to my 12-hour daily fast between supper and breakfast.

3) 1 Drink Maximum

Laying off alcohol for a few more days until Monday and Tuesday when I'll be out with Matt Smith and some members of the ETR team. He and I have a lot of BIG things to catch up on. So much good stuff to celebrate and big plans to look forward to, including him returning to the in Lithuania in August.

4) No Outbursts or Snarkiness

A printer malfunction nearly caused an incident, but I reigned in bad habit and responded in a calm tone. It was a close call. I need to do better. I need to speak slowly. Count to 10, Craig, C'mon, you can do it. Believe in yourself.

5) Healthy Gut Days

Yesterday Dr. Peter Osborne and I had a 45-minute consultation. He reviewed some of my latest tests and had good news to report. My gut bacteria levels are almost perfect, just a little low in a couple of strains, and there are fewer harmful substances residing in the ol' intestines.

We had a good laugh about Bedros, too. At our last Mastermind meeting one of our coaching clients gave a passionate spiel about the prevalence of Candida Albicans in the population. Her website sells solutions for this issue, and she spoke so convincingly that both Bedros and I were panicking and paranoid that we were suffering from it.

My test results show that I've never had Candida (it's a yeast overgrowth). But I told Peter how worried Bedros was, and he had a good laugh.

Candida is popular in unhealthy people, but less likely in those that eat well and exercise.

Good times.

Always looking for answers to find a way to solve problems,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

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