Monday, November 03, 2014

Ten Thousand Pushups

Ten thousand pushups achieved. I enjoyed the journey. My max endurance has risen, my shoulders have gotten stronger, and my bench press got stronger. I am surprised by the shoulder and bench response, but there's no denying it.

Today's milestone workout: Barbell Squats + BW circuit (Total reps = 325 bw squats, 401 pushups, 75 chin-ups). GT's. (Good times)

Before the workout I looked at my chart.


I ran the numbers.


I prepared the grid.


There were just 401 pushups to go until I hit 10,000 and knocked them all off for the 33,333 rep challenge. Let's see what I could do.


It started off rough. After a couple of warm-up sets I tried my max reps. Yikes, I only hit 54 reps…that's 7 short. My triceps were tired. My rear delts were a little sore from previous workouts of rowing and chin-ups.


Still, here's how it went: 2x15, 54-20-17-17, extra rest, and then 13x20 with an extra 3 reps on the final set.


15        54        20        20        20        23

15        20        20        20        20        X        

            17        20        20        20        X

            17        20        20        20        X

30        108      80        80        80        23


= 401 reps


That's a great milestone. Now to check off the burpees and rows tomorrow.

Then on Wednesday it is a travel and prep day as I head to California for the big seminar that I'm doing with Bedros Keuilian, Kevin Harrington, Jason Ferruggia, and 300 attendees. It's going to be awesome.

I'll train hard again on Thursday morning...but I'm also trying an interesting personal experiment on this trip. I'll tell you all about it soon.

If you need a quickie workout, this is only 4-minutes long but this workout is better than cardio. Try this FREE workout video -

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tips:

"There is only one way to happiness and that is to cease worrying about things which are beyond the power or our will. Stop aspiring to be anyone other than your own best self: for only that falls within your control." – Epictetus

Never quit. If you stumble, get back up. What happened on the weekend no longer matters. Today's another day, so get back on track on move closer to your dreams and goals. You can do it. The mistakes of your past are not who you are now. No matter what you've done in your life you have a second chance that starts today. It is your time to choose who you will be and who you will become, for the rest of your life. Stay strong and never give up on what is important to you!

Strong to the last rep,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

12 week cumulative total:

15,000 Bodyweight Squats

  • 14,010
10,000 Pushups
  • 10,000!!!
3,000 Bodyweight Rows
  • 2923
2,000 Pullups
  • 1162
1,500 Burpees
  • 1421
1,500 Chinups
  • 890
333 Handstand Pushups
  • 333 Goal => 334 Accomplished
= 30,780/33,333 reps <= Over 30K!

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