Saturday, November 01, 2014

Almost at 30K reps and 10000 pushups

Saturday morning changed from the normal routine. It started with an early morning haircut so that I look my best for next week's Info Summit in Costa Mesa, California.

After picking up a paper and ingesting a little caffeine, it was time to head home for a bodyweight circuit. I pumped out a few sets of 50 rep bodyweight squats, thanks to the caffeine, and couple hundred other reps.

Followed that with a great breakfast...that I made myself!

4 scrambled eggs, sundried tomatoes, mushrooms, spinach. Green Tea.

BTW, this is my normal routine:
My daily routine -

On Monday I should finish up burpees and rows and push pass 30,000 reps(!). I might even go all out and do 401 Pushups to hit 10K.

But again, I won't be able to complete the entire challenge on time. One of the pulling exercises is going to be my Achilles heal. Better than than an Achilles forearm injury. I have to take the Kenny Rogers training advice and know when to fold-em, know when to walk away.

Today's total reps:


250 squats
150 pushups (in low rep sets to rest for a big Monday session)
75 row
50 burpees

Also did 100 ab wheel rollouts.

Tomorrow is the Sunday "Off from Everything" day. No Internet, no texting, no training. I'm looking forward to a lot of reading, a family visit, maybe a nap, a little writing, and perhaps catching 20 minutes of the Manchester derby in the AM and the Brady-Manning football game in the PM.

I love this time of year...I don't mind the early evenings that come with the clocks going back. Although I could do without the cold winds in the morning when I walk ol' Bally the Dog.

It's nice and 'fresh' out there now and will make for a great afternoon walk, with maybe a nice can of cider for after.

Hope you have a great weekend.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
Time is running out until the New Year. It's only a few weeks away. Identify your fears, your temptations, and your obstacles. Create solutions and new habits and Rules for your life that will help you overcome these hurdles. State your ONE big goal. Make it public. Get accountability. Identify two ways to overcome each of those obstacles. Please keep the momentum going. Please stay connected. Please update us on your progress. Please ask for help when needed. Please keep on pushing on.

"Do more than is expected of you. Life's easy when you live it the hard way…and hard if you try to live it the easy way." – Kekich Credo #4 … Focus on improving yourself and you'll improve your lot in life. Focus on planning ahead to overcome obstacles, rather than waiting to deal with emergencies. Be proactive, not reactive. Always aim for personal bests and learn one new thing each day. This guarantees progress.

Make it an AWESOME weekend!

Start with this. Grab a Saturday morning coffee or tea and watch this if you need help with your vision or if you are stuck in life

PS - Here's another great article: Lifestyle Advice for Those Over 30

Go pro,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

12 week cumulative total:

15,000 Bodyweight Squats
  • 13,685
10,000 Pushups
  • 9599
3,000 Bodyweight Rows
  • 2923
2,000 Pullups
  • 1162
1,500 Burpees
  • 1421
1,500 Chinups
  • 815
333 Handstand Pushups
  • 333 Goal => 334 Accomplished
= 29,979/33,333 reps

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