Saturday, November 22, 2014

Don't let this happen

Don't let this happen...It's Saturday...maybe it's still snowy, cloudy, rainy or just 'blah' where you live...and you've read the paper, had your coffee, made a light lunch, and now it's time to do your workout...maybe because you missed earlier in the week.
But first, why not sit down and "just see what's on TV for a second". Two hours later, you're watching the end of when Harry met Sally and you've eaten a banana (because you wanted to "eat healthy"), then you went for a cup of yogurt but returned with a bowl of ice cream, and now you've got your hand in the cookie jar. Your workout turned into 1000 calories.
That's how 'getting off-track' happens.
You have to have rituals in place to avoid this.
You need to review your goals, crank some music, visualize your workout of squats, pushups, lunges, mountain climbers (30 seconds each for 4 rounds), and then just get started. Or do this video:
Even if you don't feel like it...just give me 1 minute.
Set a deadline. Get accountability. Give yourself an incentive.
Do the 1st things first. Do the things that matter!
Stay strong my friend,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

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