Friday, November 21, 2014

10x10 Swings and Pushups

This was a great way to start my workout.

10 KB Swings with 53 pounds
10 pushups
- 10 rounds, no rest.

Time = 7:40

Followed with KB Front Squat, Powerblock Chest Press, Powerblock 1-arm row, and finished with 50 more KB swings with 53 pounds. That brings me to 600 total reps on the road to 5,000.

Great workout. Now off to Toronto for an overnight stay. Tomorrow it's down to Tampa, Florida for 7 days at Casa de Joel Marion. I will continue the Swing March to 5000. On Sunday morning I have a particularly good challenge workout planned for myself. It will be 1,000 reps, including 500 swings, 200 pushups, and 300 bodyweight squats. This will be done in circuits of 20 reps per exercise. Might do KB-pushup supersets first, then once I hit all the pushups, switch to KB-Sqt supersets. Or maybe I'll go in reverse order. Who knows!

What I do know is that every workout in Tampa will be followed by a swim. Looking forward to it.

That 1000 rep workout is way too much for 98.5% of the TT world. But you can start with 25 swings (with a much lighter kettlebell), 15 pushups, and 35 squats done in a 5-3-7 circuit for 5 rounds. Train safe. Have fun. Do kneeling pushups if you must. And then watch this to learn how to do more pushups:

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip - one of my best!
Change IS possible. At ANY age. In ALL areas of life. Under EVERY circumstance. No matter how bad you feel it is going, no matter how snowed under you got yesterday (figuratively or literally!), no matter what obstacles lay before, you CAN overcome these struggles. Things will get better. Flowers can grow in the tiny cracks of sidewalks under the hot sun. People in worse circumstances than yours were able to rise up.

So no excuses. You can do it. Move forward, one small, but significant step at a time. Here's to a new life. Starting today, starting now. Make the right decisions. Lean on the right people. Live for the right goal. You can do it. I believe in you. Your time is now.

(Please share with those who need it. Thank you!)

Push on and stay strong,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

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