Monday, September 29, 2014

TT Birthday Party Invite

Hey, I'd love for you to attend my 40th birthday party taking place next June at the 5th annual Turbulence Training Summit in San Diego.
You'll workout with me on Friday morning in our kick-off bootcamp session, followed by an incredible day of fitness seminars, nutrition and supplement giveaways, and The Big 40th Birthday Party Bash at night.
Then on Saturday morning, after you shake off the cobwebs from the night before, we'll keep on rocking with world-famous trainer Todd Durkin taking us through another High-Energy Bootcamp workout on the beach.
Here I am teaching a workout on the roof of the Hard Rock in San Diego.
That's Dan Long right in front of me, and Certified Turbulence Trainer, Noel Chelliah, from Malaysia, in the yellow t-shirt. We have TT Lifetime members and TT Trainers all over the world!
Then we'll end the weekend with awards for:
- TT Trainer of the Year => The 2014 TT Trainer was Lesa Gutenkunst of Pewaukee, Wisconsin
- TT Client of the Year => 2014's winner was my best friend, "J-Roc"
- TT Rookie Trainer of the Year => 2014 TT Rookie was Nestor Flores, a young man that took an 8-hour overnight bus ride just to attend the event!
Last year's guest speakers included the "inventor of Intermittent Fasting", Brad Pilon, as well as female fat loss expert, Rachel Cosgrove, and her husband, Men's Health magazine guru, Alwyn Cosgrove, and my good friends Jason Ferruggia and Bedros Keuilian.
Back at the 2013 TT Summit, I even had my mom in the audience, and perhaps next year she will be back...after all, it is my birthday (!)...and maybe we'll even sneak ol' Bally the Dog across the border from Canada!
It's going to be an amazing weekend.
You'll get to come and enjoy the entire fitness weekend and my 40th Birthday Bash for FREE as my guest, if...
a) You are a Certified TT Trainer
b) You are a TT Lifetime Member
Click here to become a TT Lifetime Member <= $200 discount ends soon
Looking forward to having a great time with you in San Diego.
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS - Do you know how long I've been a trainer?
For 20 years - half of my life - and over those two decades we've run over 20 TT Transformation Contests, given out over $150,000 in prizes to our winners, and had over 150 fitness experts become Certified Turbulence Trainers (from all over the world, too!). I hope that you'll join the TT Fitness Family this week and join me at my 40th Birthday Celebration next year.
It's going to be a BIG party!
PPS - One last motivation quote for today...
Surround yourself with the right people, always. Cut the negativity. Get rid of the energy drainers. Stick to your schedule. Have clarity of purpose. Do what is right for you, your team, and your family. Never ever give up on what is important to you. You can - and WILL - do it. I believe in you.
See you soon.


  1. Would be great if people would truly knew the workout benefits , there are many home workouts, videos, and lots of choices generally, so theres no chance for an excuse!

  2. Workout is very important for these days spacial for city people and they want some home service or video any one wants more information than reply.
