Monday, September 29, 2014

Big bodyweight workout near the beach

Big bodyweight workout today. Lots of squats, pushups, lunges, pullups, handstand pushups, TRX Rows, and burpees. I split this up into a couple of circuits.

All done as the sun rose over the water near Clearwater, Florida.

Total Reps: 733
350 squats
200 pushups
80 bodyweight rows
35 Burpees
38 pullups
20 chinups
10 Handstand Pushups

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
No matter what happened yesterday, or on the weekend, today is a great day to get back on track to your big goals and dreams. Every step forward takes your farther away from the mistakes of yesterday. You can't change the past, but you can learn the lessons, move on, and get better today.

Surround yourself with the right people, always. Cut the negativity. Eliminate the energy drains. Stick to your schedule. Have clarity of purpose. Do what is right for you, your team, and your family.

Never ever give up on what is important to you. You can - and WILL - do it.

I believe in you,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

12 week cumulative total:

15,000 Bodyweight Squats
  • 8285
10,000 Pushups
  • 5317
3,000 Bodyweight Rows
  • 1853
2,000 Pullups
  • 456
1,500 Burpees
  • 795
1,500 Chinups
  • 515
333 Handstand Pushups
  • 162
= 17,273/33,333 reps

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