Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Push and Pull back in Canadia

Back to barbell workouts in Canadia. I had a smooth trip home from Vegas yesterday, and arrived at the ol' farm at 9pm. Fell asleep by 10pm, and was in the gym this morning by 10am for a deadlift session.

100 squats and 100 pushups in the warmup

1A) Trap Bar Deadlift
1B) Box Jumps
1C) Bench Press - performance was up even though I did heavy db presses and lots of pushups yesterday...all these pushups are making a difference

2A) Chin-ups - 44 reps total
2B) Leg Curls

That's it. 244 reps to add to the 33,333 program.

And make sure you enter the 200K FAN CONTEST at www.turbulencetrainingfanpage.com

Go there to answer this question...
What made you decide to try Turbulence Training?

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
Identify the biggest temptations and vices in your days that suck time and energy from your life. First, make a plan to remove them. Second, come up with two solutions for each if they cannot be eliminated. Third, get accountability from a friend to help you overcome the situations in life where the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. Stay strong, my friend, and keep on pushing on. Never give up on what is important to YOU!

Pushing and pulling,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

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