Monday, September 15, 2014

Hopefully Home from Vegas Today

Well yesterday through a wrench in my plans. When I checked my flight status, it showed an 8 hour delay.


Surely something's wrong.

I called my travel agent.

"Yep, a mechanical problem with the plane has pushed the flight back. You won't get into Toronto until 3am."

Uh, no thanks. That's when I get up!

So I decided to stay an extra day in Vegas, and it worked out well because I finished a LOT of important projects and got a great head start on the I'll get back to Toronto and tonight, if everything goes okay, I'll be at the farm by 9pm. I have several big interviews this week so I need to be well prepared.

That meant I will need to postpone my deadlift workout until Tuesday. Today I did a short bodyweight session to add to the 33,333 challenge.

100 squats
101 pushups
9 handstand pushups

While I was gone from Canada it looks like someone was busy this weekend. I hope he doesn't eat all the beets! What will YOUR nutrition be like today?
Looks like someone was busy this weekend. I hope he doesn't eat all the beets! What will YOUR nutrition be like today?

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
Progress comes – in spurts – and it is your passion that gets you through the dips. So always believe in yourself and never, ever, ever, EVER give up. That's what you must do.


Every day you should think big, have gratitude and celebrate your achievements. That's how you keep the momentum going and make big changes in your life. Find out how I do this in 5 minutes per day with my lil' black book

Stay strong and push on,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT

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