Monday, June 09, 2014

Pexting and Partying at the TT Summit

Each morning at 4am I send out a coaching Pext message to my top 7-figure clients. I call this Pexting because it is short for Pester Texting. My thoughts pester and irritate my clients into action. I'll be turning these into a new product in the fall. Until then, enjoy a 7-day bonus coaching Pext program from me to make this an amazing week.

You have all the money you need to solve the problems you have. You just need the time, patience, and planning to turn your money into the solution. Don't sacrifice time to chase more money because that time you'd waste has more value than the money you can earn. Use your resources wisely to eliminate the obstacles in your path.

Face your fears. Become the person you need to become in order to achieve the goals and dreams you want to achieve. Control what you can, cope with what you can't, and concentrate on what counts. Never give up on what is important to you...but make sure you know what that is. PS - Eat pure, think pure.

Rank your past days on 1-10. What simple changes can you make to improve? Eliminate the temptations, overcome the obstacles, make it easier and more rewarding to follow the best path. Make bad things harder to do and good things easier to do. Achieve little wins and celebrate small victories. Keep purity in thought, word and deed. Think back to a great day this year and what made it truly special. Be CLEAR about what you really need to be satisfied. It's probably not money. It was the people and experience. "Focus on what is true, what is good, what is right, and contentment follows. You only need: 1) Strong, positive relationships with family and friends; 2) To serve a cause greater than yourself, working for your family and community. This brings sense of wellness, purpose, meaning and value that lifts the human spirit." – Tom Shadyac

What is your #1 problem in life? Be clear. much time are you putting in to fixing this? How much money are you spending on a solution? How many people have you reached out to for help? Why are the numbers in your answers so LOW? This is your #1 issue. Nothing else matters as much. Be clear on what matters, control what you can, concentrate on what counts.

Now back to the TT Summit...

The Finisher, Mike Whitfield, The Betty Rocker and samurai Brad Pilon having fun here at #ttsummit14 ... already working on making 2015 even better. It's going to be another amazing, emotional, high-energy, fun, hilarious, and big-family event. Thank YOU for being a part of the TT World in every way that you can. Hope to see you next year. Sincerely, Craig

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