Friday, June 13, 2014

Female Fat Loss Over 40

Ready for truth? No matter how much I wish this wasn't so...

Diet is MORE important than exercise.

Calories DO matter.
You need to burn more calories than you eat if you want to fit into your "skinny jeans."

However, you can't just CUT calories and do tons of cardio. If you do, you'll still end up with little or no fat loss results! And that's frustrating...

...and starving yourself combined with lots of cardio will also mess up your fat-burning hormones.

Hormones are the chemical messengers in your body that direct traffic. And if they get their signals crossed, they can do all kinds of stuff you don't want them to do...

Like hold on to trapped fat!

Here are the top 3 tricks you can use to keep your fat burning hormones doing their job properly...

1. Avoid Bad Sugar

This may seem obvious. Yet it's not just about calories...

You could eat precisely the right amount of calories to put you in the fat burning zone, yet fail to get results because the sugar is messing up your hormone called insulin.

Insulin is a bit like your body's own personal Fedex. It picks up packages--nutrients like protein, carbs and fat--and delivers them to your cells. But too much sugar causes fat storage in all the wrong places (like your thighs).

2. Do More of Your Favorite Activity

Everyone loves to sleep. And here's the great news. When you get enough sleep, you burn MORE fat and you control your cravings!
Sleep helps you decrease the amount of the stress hormone called cortisol.  Too much cortisol equals more belly fat. So you must relax and rest to get your cortisol low - and to burn belly fat. Plus, sleep helps you control your cravings so you aren't giving in to sugar all day. Please get some rest!

3. Stop Doing Cardio and Do This Instead

Your body needs exercise to release "feel good" hormones called endorphins that put you in a great mood.

They also keep your immune system functioning well and increase levels of sex hormones so you score a libido lift. The more you move, the more endorphins your body will produce.

If you need some inspiration you're in luck...

[...Unfortunately for the guys though... this is only for the ladies!...]

My fellow Canadian and Certified Turbulence Trainer, Shawna Kaminski, just released a brand new program called Female Fat Loss Over 40.

BTW - She's in her 50s and has the sexy' hot body of a woman in her 20s!

Shawna's system is based on the scientific TT principles, designed to elevate the fat burning hormones in all women over 40. With her system, you'll burn more calories than ever AND you will keep the weight off permanently (even from your trouble spots - your thighs and the back of your arms).

She also helps you develop lean, sexy muscle tone. This will increase your metabolic rate (burning more calories), plus you shape beautiful curves in all the right places so you look fantastic in just everything you wear.

=> The Secret To...  Female Fat Loss Over 40

And there's no excuse for ever missing a workout because they take only 20 minutes, they're easy to follow, and Shawna guides you from start to finish with full-length instructional videos!

Listen, Shawna understands the unique issues of women over 40 and your specific challenges. She's worked with hundreds of women in this age category and they have had shocking fat loss results.

I can't think of a single reason why ANY woman 40 or older would want to skip this opportunity ...

=> Get the solution to stubborn fat loss for women over 40...
You can do this,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

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