Monday, June 23, 2014

Monday Meathead Chest Workouit

Legs are still too darn sore to go in for a deadlift workout, and I was really tight on time today.

So I stayed home and hit a garage gym meathead workout in honor of World Chest Day (which occurs every Monday, of course). However, I did not do bench presses...or even cable crossovers.


1A) PB Chest Press - 3x5
1B) KB Snatch - 3x8

2A) PB Low Incline Chest Press - 4x8
2B) Ab Wheel - 3x15

3A) KB OH Press - 3x25
3B) PB Curls - 3x15
3B) TRX Triceps - 3x15

Tomorrow, we deadlift.

And then start a 10-day trip to Toronto, Orange County, and Denver.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
Your day is won in the morning, by what you get done first thing. But it all starts with practice, planning, & prep the night before.

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