Saturday, June 21, 2014

Best Drink for Fat Loss

There's a fat loss drink used by all the experts that you need to
know about.

From Dr. John Berardi to John Romaniello...from Tim Ferriss to
Isabel De Los Rios...and from Jason Ferruggia to lil' ol' me, CB.

Heck, I've given up on caffeine for weeks because of
the natural energy this drink will give you.

Plus, it tastes great AND it tastes more filling.

(So that rules out beer - LOL.)

And it's not an "energy drink" packed with sugar, caffeine, and

In fact, this drink is ultra-low in calories - WITHOUT artificial
sweeteners - and is perfect for intermittent fasting.

These days I'm making sure to go 12 hours between dinner and
breakfast, and after being up for 3 hours writing, I drink this
as a pre-workout booster before my 8am training sessions.

It's literally the perfect drink for fat loss.

And no, it's not water. Nope, not a protein shake either.

But it is the most important drink you can give your body for
health and fat loss.

I highly recommend it.

Get the #1 drink for fat loss here

It's easy to travel with too, and I'm taking a container on my trip to
California (this week) and Denver (next week) where I'll be
working with personal trainers, nutritionists and fitness
experts in closed-door meetings.

This drink will also power me through 12-hour filming days the week
after when I start creating our NEW Transformation Contest program.
And most importantly, it will prevent the colds and other airborne illnesses
that so many other travelers get.

If only they had this secret liquid weapon on their side like I do.

Get the best drink for health and fat loss here

But hurry, you might not get this good of a deal ever again.

Drink up for health and energy,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

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