Thursday, January 16, 2014

Join us in Tampa in 2 weeks

They are coming from Scotland, the East Coast of Canada, Dominican
Republic, and all over America... join the TT movement.
Will you be here to join us?
Here's what happened when one strong woman stepped up and made the
best investment of her life...and how one secret from the TT Certification
helped her grow her business and save her community from obesity:
My Success Story

By Catherine Gordon, CTT
2013 TT Trainer of the Year

When I decided to become a Certified Turbulence Trainer, I possessed plenty
of motivation to succeed.

I had struggled with my weight all my life, and Turbulence Training was the
to why exercise had never helped me reach my fat loss and figure
goals before. 

By becoming a CTT, I learned how to replace boring cardio and long, old-
school resistance training methods with the latest science backed techniques
for achieving fat loss.

TT transformed my body for good, and I was on fire to share my discovery
with the world.

I had the skills, and I found a small space to start training clients in, but I
soon discovered that you have to find a way to build your audience before
you can transform the world. 

The simple strategies I used to get my first clients were Facebook ads and
flyers featuring my own transformation.  I had friends and family who had
witnessed my success, and that gave me a place to start.

Now here's where my financial transformation gets rolling.

You see, Certified Turbulence Trainers have a unique and powerful tool to
use to get more clients.  It's the TT Transformation Contests that Craig
Ballantyne holds three times a year.

I don't have to tell you that skepticism and disappointment run rampant in the
fitness and fat loss world.  Our potential clients have tried plenty of exercise
programs that they find at gyms, on DVDs, and on the internet.  Most of the
time they don't get results, or worse, they even get hurt. 

We have to find a way to help them believe again.

The truth is that by getting just a few TT clients, convincing them to enter
the free TT Transformation Contests, and coaching them with passion and
dedication, I was able to fill my TT classes to capacity in just months. 

There is nothing like being able to point to a client who lost 25 pounds in just
12 weeks, and won $1000.00 from Craig and TT to give you the credibility to
get paying customers in the door.

Let me be specific. I live in a small town of only 5000 people, with about
15,000 people in Tuolumne County who are living close enough to Gordon
Studio to be potential clients. 
When I started training clients in my small space in Jamestown CA, I was earning
about $500 a month with my handful of students.  I moved to a larger studio, had
three clients make the finals in the TT Transformation Contest that ended last
December, and by July my revenue from TT had risen to $3,000 per month.

I have added TT classes to the point that I am now teaching eight a week, and
they are all at capacity.  If I can make these kind of revenue gains in a small town
like Sonora, I know that CTT's in larger cities that double or triple that amount. 

The key is to get your clients results and success right away so that you have
the proof people need so that they will gladly give you their money and their time.

Here is a shocking fact: among my clients who have finished a Transformation
Contest, even if they don't officially enter, we have a 100% success rate

That means a loss of pounds, inches, and at least 2 sizes for all of my clients. This
is practically unheard of in our industry.  So the key is to celebrate your clients
success and get the word out. 

I was able to get coverage in our local newspaper about the success stories at
Gordon  Studio, and when your clients get great results the word of mouth brings
new students in, and puts money in the bank.

I am so excited about 2014, as the success of my students continues to drive the
success of my studio.  By offering a new Transformation Package to my clients
that covers diet and goal setting, plus priority reservations in my fullest classes,
I am confident that I double sales again by June.  

If I can do this in my tiny rural town, who knows what you can achieve as a
Certified Turbulence Trainer in your market. 

I look forward to hearing about your success.

Wow, thank you Catherine! 
It's your success story, and the transformations of your clients, that helped you 
win TT Trainer of the Year.
Can't wait to give out that award this year at the TT Summit.
But to win, you have to be TT Certified, of course.
Our next LIVE TT Cert is in just two weeks in Tampa, Florida.
Hurry, the early bird price ends this weekend!
Helping you help your community to transform,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS - More great CTT feedback from our 1st Live Event:
"My clients thought I was a great trainer before but they tell me my workouts
have improved since becoming a CTT at the TT Certification seminar. I really
enjoy access to the TT membership site and all that it has to offer. It has made
me a better trainer. I appreciate the TT 10 million mission. It's great to be part
of something so important! I have long thought about becoming TT Certified
and just had to do it when I got the email about the 1st live event"
- Shawn Stevens, CTT
PPS - Don't foreget about your free Lifetime VIP Access...
...that you receive to the TT member's site and to the annually amazing TT
Summit every June. This is all part of your bonuses when you become a
Certified Turbulence Trainer.

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