Friday, January 17, 2014

Bold CrossFit Prediction

Here's something controversial for you...
...on a recent call, I was asked, "How is Turbulence Training different
from CrossFit?"
In 2013 I made a bold prediction that CrossFit would start to suffer a 
backlash due to injury rates, and I'm sure you've read about the tragic
incident at a recent CrossFit-style competition.
This is happening to experienced trainers AND the clients they train.
It is unacceptable for "working out".
On the call, recorded back in November, my answer turned into a rant.
You can listen to the full QnA session, along with my recommendations
on how to create the BEST 30-minute and 4-minute total body fat burning
workout routines here:
I also share with you how to use "influence" to get more clients into your
fitness business ... no matter what style of training you use.
NOTE: This call was recorded prior to our 1st LIVE CTT seminar...but the
info is just as good today.
Ignore the details about the event in freezing-cold Michigan and join us in
sunny Florida later this month instead!
Once you're done with the call, hurry on over and reserve one of the remaining
seats for the LIVE TT Certification on November 8th and 9th.
This is the ONLY TT Certification weekend planned so far in 2014, and your
only chance to stay ahead of the competition for the 2014 Fitness Gold Rush.
Don't miss your chance to beat your competition and get TT Certified.
There are only 12 spots left and the price jumps by $300 next week.
(And YES, we do have a payment plan for the Certification.)
Reserve your spot and become a better trainer so that you can get more clients
and faster results, and make more money helping others.
Transform your life today,
Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer
PS - What else do you get besides the TT Summit when you become
TT Certified?
You'll get immediate access to:
- Every TT workout I've ever created (including ALL Bootcamp manuals)
- DVDs and online video access to the original TT Certification seminar
- FREE access to the TT Summit every year!
- Advanced Fat Loss Program Design and Client Attraction Secrets
- Monthly Done-For-You Marketing Materials like postcards, email sequences,
  Transformation Blueprints and more, all PROVEN to help you get more clients
- All TT workout videos (including many new videos coming in 2014)
- The TT Forum (where you'll connect with other TT Trainers)
- And a very cool "goodie bag" sent to you in the mail (featuring some sweet
Turbulence Training swag and a special life-changing book

Here's to you becoming a TT Certified Trainer. See you soon.
You'll leave the weekend FULLY TT Certified. But hurry...there is only room
for 20 trainers, and the seat are filling up fast (12 spots are already taken.)
Plus, the Early Bird discount ends Tuesday, and price increases by $300.
And YES, as a TT Trainer, you'll get to attend the life-changing TT Summit
for FREE every year - saving you another $497.
The TT Summit and Certification will change your life. We're dedicated to
helping you get more clients and make more money - and get those clients
even better results in less time than ever.

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