Friday, December 06, 2013

Some bonus workouts!

Woof, woof!
Ol' Bally the Dog here, filling in for the goofball that normally writes these workout updates. He's down there in Denver at some Mastermind meeting today, and said I could write today's training update.
So I'm giving away a bunch of his workouts! 
1) Booty for Wife
2) TT Jan 2013 - Extreme Fat Loss
3) TT April 2013 - CBS Abs
Let me explain each of those...
1) Woofy for Bite, ooops, I meant Booty for Wife ;) a 12-week lower-body specialization program for sculpting curves in all the right places. It goes from beginner to advanced routines to work your booty back into shape. 
That's a nice Christmas present for everyone!
2) TT January 2013 - Extreme Fat Loss 2K13
Whoooo doggy, this was a heck of a workout. This is ol' CB's most aggressive Turbulence Training workout yet, so prepare for an extreme fat loss transformation.

3) TT April 2013 - CBS Abs
Discover the unique S-C-S training mechanism for getting chiseled, beautiful, and sexy abs like the ol' goofball, Craig Ballantyne, and of course me, because YES, one time a vet really did say that ol' Bally the Dog had "rock hard 6-pack abs". 
Still got 'em, too. Wooofity woof.
So you'll get all three of those TODAY only when you get Neghar's workout.
Get Neghar's workout here <= Neghar's celebration sale ends today
Then email us.
Lesa is standing by, and I'll be sleeping all day (so don't email me at Just make sure to email Lesa, she'll be happy to hook you up.
Just email Lesa at with your receipt.
Bark soon.
Your poochie friend,
Ol' Bally the Dog
Certified Dog
TT Dog of the Year, 2005-Infinity
PS - Ol' Craiggy's sister just lost 5 pounds using this program...
...she hates exercise. Didn't like sports growing up. 
But when she found kettlebell training, she got hooked. And in the last 2 weeks alone has dropped 5 pounds.
Just another reason to get Neghar's workout here.
But hurry, the sale and bonus offer ends today.

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