Saturday, December 07, 2013

Awesome Denver Workout

My new program is working out quite nicely.

It's going to be 3 days per week. Here's what I did today.

1A) DB Split Squat - 8 to 10 reps
1B) KB Clean & Press - 3 reps
1C) Chin-ups - AMRAP
1D) TRX Pushup/Fly - 12 reps
- 5 rounds of this circuit

2A) KB Swing - 25 reps
2B) Pullups - AMRAP
- 4 rounds of this circuit

3) 1 set of barbell curls!

When I was at my strongest, I was lifting 310 and 225 for 14 reps. Here's the EXACT program I used to add 25lbs to my bench press

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tip:
Praise & thank someone today. Be extra kind & give someone a thoughtful gift. This will make you feel better than buying something for self.

Be an Action-Taking, Go-Giver that plays up a level by surrounding yourself with the best people you can. Always out-give.

And that's what we tried to do today in our 2nd annual Toys for Tots drive in Denver, sponsored by

Toys for Tots is a charity run by the Marines. It delivers gifts to kids who wouldn't otherwise get a gift on Christmas morning. Last year we raised $60,000 for Denver Toys for Tots. This year we're raising the bar and going for $100,000!

If you'd like to help us reach that goal, please contact Rachel at

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

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