Friday, December 20, 2013

Deadlift and 4-Minute Abs

This was the final workout of my latest 4-week program. The timing is perfect as we head into the holiday week. This will be a deload week, and minimal, if any barbell training. I'll start up again next Friday.

I'm also expecting my Powerblocks to come in today (I ordered the set that goes to 125 pounds). This means even fewer visits to commercial gyms.


That means less watching people workout with no clue.

Like the 65 year old skinny guy trying to do rear-delt raises with 35 pound dumbells today. Geez, was that ugly. I told him they were way too heavy for him. Thankfully, for his sake, he moved to something else.

And then there was the kid doing deadlifts - with poor form - and while looking sideways into a mirror. He's going to get hurt, especially because he did deadlifts after three other rowing exercises!

Geez, Louise. Where do people get these ideas?

Here's something much better. It's TT-approved. It's your 4-min abs workout to get your abs 'ready' for the big holiday weekend 

Train hard but safe but hard.

Today's Kickbutt Mindset Tips:
Everyone faces obstacles. Everyone goes through dips and disappointments. What separates us from over 95% of the rest of the world is that we do not give up on what is important to us. You WILL figure this out. You always have. You always will. That's what you do. So stay strong and keep on pushing on.

Keep going,

Craig Ballantyne, CTT
Certified Turbulence Trainer

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